Start off your templates by adding the following load tag.
{% load activity_tags %}
Displaying Streams¶
You can use the activity_stream
templatetag to render any of the builtin streams or your own custom streams.
The first argument is the name of the stream method and then other arguments are passed from your templates into the stream functions.
{% activity_stream 'actor' user %}
{% for action in stream %}
{% display_action action %}
{% endfor %}
You can also access custom streams by name in the same way.
The tag puts the resulting queryset into a context variable which is by default simply called stream
but you can customize the name by passing a value for the as
keyword argument.
{% activity_stream 'mystream' request.user 'commented' as='mycomments' %}
{% for action in mycomments %}
{% display_action action %}
{% endfor %}
Both examples above use the display_action
templatetag which is an include tag which passes the action
variable to actstream/action.html
You can override it to make it render as you would like.
There are two templatetags which are helpful for rendering information for following and unfollowing entities.
The first is follow_url
which returns the url you can hit to either follow the entity if you are not following it or unfollow if you are following it.
There is also a is_following
template filter which returns True if the user is following the given entity.
The end result is a link that is a toggle.
<a href="{% follow_url other_user %}">
{% if request.user|is_following:other_user %}
stop following
{% else %}
{% endif %}
The code above will generate the url for the user to only follow actions where the object is the target. If you want the user to follow an object as both actor and target, you need to use the follow_all_url
<a href="{% follow_all_url other_user %}">
{% if request.user|is_following:other_user %}
stop following
{% else %}
{% endif %}