Generating Actions =================== Generating actions can be done using `Django signals `__. A special ``action`` signal is provided for creating the actions. .. code-block:: python from django.db.models.signals import post_save from actstream import action from myapp.models import MyModel # MyModel has been registered with actstream.registry.register def my_handler(sender, instance, created, **kwargs): action.send(instance, verb='was saved') post_save.connect(my_handler, sender=MyModel) There are several ways to generate actions in your code. You can do it through custom forms or by overriding predefined model methods, such as More on this last option can be found here: . The logic is to simply import the action signal and send it with your actor, verb, target, and any other important arguments. .. code-block:: python from actstream import action from myapp.models import Group, Comment # User, Group & Comment have been registered with # actstream.registry.register action.send(request.user, verb='reached level 10') ... group = Group.objects.get(name='MyGroup') action.send(request.user, verb='joined', target=group) ... comment = Comment.create(text=comment_text) action.send(request.user, verb='created comment', action_object=comment, target=group) Actions are stored in a single table in the database using `Django's ContentType framework `_ and `GenericForeignKeys `_ to create associations with different models in your project. Actions are generated in a manner independent of how you wish to query them so they can be queried later to generate different streams based on all possible associations.