Source code for actstream.managers

from collections import defaultdict

from django.db.models import Q
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType

from actstream.gfk import GFKManager
from actstream.decorators import stream
from actstream.registry import check
from actstream.compat import get_model

[docs]class ActionManager(GFKManager): """ Default manager for Actions, accessed through Action.objects """
[docs] def public(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Only return public actions """ kwargs['public'] = True return self.filter(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def actor(self, obj, **kwargs): """ Stream of most recent actions where obj is the actor. Keyword arguments will be passed to Action.objects.filter """ check(obj) return obj.actor_actions.public(**kwargs)
[docs] def target(self, obj, **kwargs): """ Stream of most recent actions where obj is the target. Keyword arguments will be passed to Action.objects.filter """ check(obj) return obj.target_actions.public(**kwargs)
[docs] def action_object(self, obj, **kwargs): """ Stream of most recent actions where obj is the action_object. Keyword arguments will be passed to Action.objects.filter """ check(obj) return obj.action_object_actions.public(**kwargs)
[docs] def model_actions(self, model, **kwargs): """ Stream of most recent actions by any particular model """ check(model) ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model) return self.public( (Q(target_content_type=ctype) | Q(action_object_content_type=ctype) | Q(actor_content_type=ctype)), **kwargs )
[docs] def any(self, obj, **kwargs): """ Stream of most recent actions where obj is the actor OR target OR action_object. """ check(obj) ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj) return self.public( Q( actor_content_type=ctype,, ) | Q( target_content_type=ctype,, ) | Q( action_object_content_type=ctype,, ), **kwargs)
[docs] def user(self, obj, **kwargs): """ Stream of most recent actions by objects that the passed User obj is following. """ q = Q() qs = self.public() if not obj: return qs.none() check(obj) actors_by_content_type = defaultdict(lambda: []) others_by_content_type = defaultdict(lambda: []) if kwargs.pop('with_user_activity', False): object_content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj) actors_by_content_type[].append( follow_gfks = get_model('actstream', 'follow').objects.filter( user=obj).values_list('content_type_id', 'object_id', 'actor_only') for content_type_id, object_id, actor_only in follow_gfks.iterator(): actors_by_content_type[content_type_id].append(object_id) if not actor_only: others_by_content_type[content_type_id].append(object_id) if len(actors_by_content_type) + len(others_by_content_type) == 0: return qs.none() for content_type_id, object_ids in actors_by_content_type.items(): q = q | Q( actor_content_type=content_type_id, actor_object_id__in=object_ids, ) for content_type_id, object_ids in others_by_content_type.items(): q = q | Q( target_content_type=content_type_id, target_object_id__in=object_ids, ) | Q( action_object_content_type=content_type_id, action_object_object_id__in=object_ids, ) return qs.filter(q, **kwargs)
[docs]class FollowManager(GFKManager): """ Manager for Follow model. """
[docs] def for_object(self, instance): """ Filter to a specific instance. """ check(instance) content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance).pk return self.filter(content_type=content_type,
[docs] def is_following(self, user, instance): """ Check if a user is following an instance. """ if not user or user.is_anonymous(): return False queryset = self.for_object(instance) return queryset.filter(user=user).exists()
def followers_qs(self, actor): """ Returns a queryset of User objects who are following the given actor (eg my followers). """ check(actor) return self.filter( content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(actor), ).select_related('user')
[docs] def followers(self, actor): """ Returns a list of User objects who are following the given actor (eg my followers). """ return [follow.user for follow in self.followers_qs(actor)]
def following_qs(self, user, *models): """ Returns a queryset of actors that the given user is following (eg who im following). Items in the list can be of any model unless a list of restricted models are passed. Eg following(user, User) will only return users following the given user """ qs = self.filter(user=user) ctype_filters = Q() for model in models: check(model) ctype_filters |= Q(content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model)) qs = qs.filter(ctype_filters) return qs.fetch_generic_relations('follow_object')
[docs] def following(self, user, *models): """ Returns a list of actors that the given user is following (eg who im following). Items in the list can be of any model unless a list of restricted models are passed. Eg following(user, User) will only return users following the given user """ return [follow.follow_object for follow in self.following_qs(user, *models)]