
Get the code

Installation is easy using pip and the only requirement is a recent version of Django.

$ pip install django-activity-stream

or get it from source

$ pip install git+

Basic app configuration

Then to add the Django Activity Stream to your project add the app actstream to your INSTALLED_APPS and urlconf.

In Django versions older than 1.7, the app must be placed somewhere after all the apps that are going to be generating activities (eg django.contrib.auth).


Add the activity urls to your urlconf

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    ('^activity/', include('actstream.urls')),

The activity urls are not required for basic usage but provide activity Feeds and handle following, unfollowing and querying of followers.

3rd Party Extras

If you have South installed you have to migrate actstream tables

$ migrate actstream

If you want to use custom data on your actions, then make sure you have django-jsonfield installed

$ pip install django-jsonfield

You can learn more at Adding Custom Data to your Actions

Supported Environments

The following Python/Django versions and database configurations have been tested to work with the latest version of django-activity-stream.

  Py 2.6 Py 2.7 Py 3.2 Py 3.3 Py 3.4 PyPy 2 PyPy 3
Django 1.4 Psy/My/S Psy/My/S       PCffi/My/S  
Django 1.5 Psy/My/S Psy/My/S Psy/PyMy/S Psy/PyMy/S Psy/PyMy/S PCffi/My/S My/S
Django 1.6 Psy/My/S Psy/My/S Psy/PyMy/S Psy/PyMy/S Psy/PyMy/S PCffi/My/S My/S
Django 1.7 Psy/My/S Psy/My/S Psy/PyMy/S Psy/PyMy/S Psy/PyMy/S PCffi/My/S My/S

Generic activity streams for Django



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